Thursday, August 12, 2010

Welcome Home! an excerpt from Blue Ribbon

Jackson was looking at the photos Angie had on display on the wall, “is this you,” he asked.
Annie studied the picture, “it sure is. Angie took that the day I moved in with her. It was kind of my independence moment,” she explained. In the photo she was in sweats and a tee shirt, her hair tied behind her head and she was flexing her muscles in the photo to show how strong she was.
“It’s very becoming,” he told her with a chuckle.
She laughed with him and they stood in silence for a moment. He took a step closer to her and when she didn’t budge, he took that as a signal that this was okay so he leaned in and kissed her; on the cheek first. She turned her face to him and their lips met. His hands were on her cheeks now and she felt fire growing in her belly. She hadn’t felt these feelings for quite some time; at least before she and Joshua had broken up.
Annie took his hands in hers and tugged him with her as she walked backward and sat down on the sofa. Jackson caressed her hair and ran his fingers through the long dark brown locks, “Oh, Annie, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he pulled her hair out of the low pony tail and let if fall across her shoulders and around her face. Before she could respond, he was kissing her again, more fervently than ever.
She felt herself blushing and wondered why this was making her blush. She was no stranger to love; she had been around the block a time or two, but Jackson’s touch was making her feel nervous and giddy. Perhaps it was because they had only met a day ago, perhaps it was that he was an actor, she couldn’t quite tell, but she was definitely feeling something.
His hands were still in her hair and they were practically in each others’ lap on the couch. Annie’s arms were around his waist as they kissed passionately. His warm mouth pressed against hers made her remember just how much she loved kissing and how much she had missed it since; well, since she had been in high school and had been an item with Joey. They would kiss for hours it seemed and sometimes it would go farther, but most of the time it was just like this; just kissing each other like there was no tomorrow.
Annie felt Jackson’s hands slide from her hair to around her neck and she shivered as his skin made contact with hers. His hands were warm and soft on her neck and she could feel her pulse quickening every time his thumb stroked that area just below her jaw around her neck. He must have sensed this, because he took his mouth from hers and began to kiss the area where his thumb had been, working his way down to her neck, which was to the best of her recollection; her weakness when it came to men.
A soft moan escaped her mouth and she began to stroke his back with her fingers. She was sinking beneath him; melting into the couch and at her next moment of awareness, he was lying on the sofa halfway on top of her, continuing to kiss her neck and making her writhe with pleasure. He was cradling her head in his hands and then his hand trailed down her arm, caressing her, making her want more and more.
Annie had not thought this far ahead and was growing more aroused with each kiss and each touch. Her body was screaming for more, but her head was telling her to slow down. At that moment, Jackson’s hand grazed the side of her breast and she knew precisely how aroused he was when she pressed up against him.
Dizzy with ecstasy, Annie wanted nothing more than to give herself to him right here; right now. She also knew that would be a mistake so soon after they met, but something inside of her wouldn’t let her push him away. She kept going back for more and found herself kissing his neck as he kissed hers and instinctively her hand found its way to his firm buttocks and squeezed. He moaned, lifted his face from her neck and kissed her hard on the mouth. It was a demanding kiss that could only be followed by him sliding his hands under her shirt along her toned stomach and up and under her bra, releasing her breasts to his hands.
After he had worked her shirt up and over her breasts, he lowered himself to her chest and kissed her breasts, taking each nipple in his mouth, sucking and nibbling as his hands held them in place for him. Annie cried out and balled her fists together as his hands went to her back and pulled her into him even more.
“What in the name of all that’s holy?” came a shrieking voice from the front door.
A sensation of ice cold water being dumped on her hit Annie and she was suddenly mortified. Annie tugged her shirt down quickly, causing Jackson to lose balance and fall from the couch onto the floor. Had Annie not been so embarrassed she probably would have thought this was a rather comical scene. Her roommate was standing at her front door; her back to them.
“Is it safe,” she asked.
Annie gave Jackson her hand and he pulled himself up on the sofa into a sitting position next to her. She made sure her shirt was in place and handed him a throw pillow to hold so he wouldn’t look quite so obvious, “yes,” Annie grumbled, “you can turn around now.”
Angie turned around and stood there for a moment; her keys in her hand. She was wearing jeans and a baggy sweatshirt and sneakers and had her hair tied in a pony tail. She wore no make-up and unlike Annie; you could tell she wasn’t wearing any, “Would you like to explain yourself,” she said to Annie, looking angry, “I come home from breakfast and find you making out half naked with someone on our couch? I thought you said you were going to be back later,” she said and stopped her rant abruptly when her eyes fell on Jackson. Her eyebrows knitted together as if she were confused and then she looked from him to Annie and back to Jackson and his formerly well groomed hair and designer jeans and very classy buttoned up shirt to his Rolex watch on his wrist on a hand that he was clutching a pillow with while his other hand held Annie’s at their side.
“Sorry Angie, I decided to come back early and I called and left a message to let you know I was coming back and bringing company for the afternoon, but I guess you didn’t get my message,” she said in somewhat of a panic; after all, Angie had been nice enough to offer to let her stay here, but they had specifically agreed that Annie wouldn’t bring anyone home without clearing it with Angie first and vice versa.
Angie was still gazing at Jackson with interest, “my phone died,” she said flatly, “I’ve been at breakfast with some girls from the office and forgot to plug it in last night I guess. Anyway, it’s dead so I couldn’t get any calls or messages.”
Annie sighed, “I’m sorry,” she said, looking at Jackson who was clearly confused as to why someone had just barged in on them in such a compromising position. He had never managed to have that happen before. There had never been any embarrassing photos of him that surfaced in the press; he had never been caught by some girl’s mother of father when he was younger and he certainly had never been walked in on by someone’s roommate.
Annie tugged Jackson’s hand that she was holding, “Jackson, this is my roommate Angie. Angie, this is my boyfriend Jackson Clearwater,” Annie announced, beaming.
Angie, who had now sat down in her favorite arm chair dropped her keys on the floor, “boyfriend? Jackson Clearwater?” She obviously figured out who Jackson was when Annie said his name, “are you flaming mad,” she asked Annie, “you go to some home town county fair and come back telling me you’re dating Jackson Clearwater? I don’t believe it. How long has this been going on?”

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